Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Christmas Concert

There is a Christmas concert next week i am a elf... Im gonna be singing and dancing. Its pretty long and most of the time i get stage fright in front of all the parents. I hope we do well when the time comes.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My School Life

At school the past few weeks we have been learning about chance in math and what number is most likely to be rolled when rolling two dice.There has also been a book fair.I bought a drawing book.It has animals in it which it teaches you to draw.

My School Life

At school the past few weeks we have been learning about chance in math and what number is most likely to be rolled when rolling two dice.There has also been a book fair.I bought a drawing book.It has animals in it which it teaches you to draw.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Talent Extravaganza

This years Talent Extravaganza has been pretty cool i liked the magical box and the 'Dancing With the Stars' show, they made all the teachers dance. My favourite was misses Jenny and Mr McBride because misses Jenny was Wearing a funny wig.

The magical box was col because they all managed to fit in the box but the problem was that I was on the side and there was a gap on the side so i could see their feet so i knew there was people in there.

Our History Unit

I have enjoyed most of 6A's history unit because i have found out more about my family and i also found out more of Australias history like 'The Snowy Mountain Scheme,' and the gold rush. I enjoyed looking at photos from the past, It is wierd thinking that the old people in the photos are probaly dead and the babys are older than my Mum and Dad probally even my Grandmother!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Gala Day

At Gala Day last Friday we won the first match and lost the second.Joel scored heaps of tries he scored 2 on the first match and i don't think he scored any on the second.The first match was
3-0 .The second match was 1-3. In Seniors last match some juniors played on the seniors team the match score was around 3-0. I usually hang around the sides near the wing because lots of people go near the side line.I think Gala Days this year have been pretty cool.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hello im Liam cook =). I don't mind math and english mut homework =(. My new teacher is Mr Armstrong this is why im in 6a-Armstrong. I like art i reckon it is cool. I am looking fords to drawing sport and getting better at math,English and handwritting =). =D ;I =O =( =) these are some of the simbles i learnt in year five (looks side ways) i hope to learn more in year 6 these are some more simbles. ☺ ☻ ♥ ♠ ♣ ♦ ○ ◘